In most instances, Baptisms are celebrated during Mass on Sundays. If you are seeking the Sacrament of Baptism for your child, please call the Parish Office to make arrangements.
"Together in Jesus" is our parish formation ministry for Parish children in Grade 2 from our Parish School of Religion (PSR), Holy Trinity day school and Family Based Catechesis (FBC). TIJ initially focuses on parents, who have the primary role in their children's formation. Parents gather for formation in community, fellowship, and prayer experiences at several times throughout the year. These gatherings focus on the irreplaceable role of parents, the role of the community, and what we do to help our children prepare to celebrate First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Because this is a Sacrament of Initiation, mystagogy takes the children into deeper insights and appreciation for the gift of Reconciliation and Communion with Jesus.
Our Confirmation Ministry brings together Parish youth in Grade 8 from our Parish School of Religion (PSR), Holy Trinity day school and Family Based Catechesis (FBC). Our 8th Grade parents and/or candidates gather for formation in community, fellowship, and prayer experiences at several times throughout the year. These gatherings lead up to the celebration of Confirmation and beyond in a period of mystagogy that takes the newly confirmed into deeper insights and appreciation for the full outpouring of the Gift of the Holy Spirit received in Confirmation.
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is the formation process through which adults are fully initiated into the Catholic faith community. The OCIA process was developed for those who desire the faith and are not baptized. It is also conducive for those who have been baptized in another faith. Catholics who have not been fully initiated through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist participate to learn more about the faith and sacramental preparation.
For more information, contact Deacon Dan Hancock at (440) 937-5363 or by email at [email protected].
Parish couples should contact the pastor six months prior to their intended date to schedule their wedding and to discuss Marriage preparation. Couples are required to attend a Marriage preparation retreat such as Pre-Cana, Cana II or PREP, and to complete the Prepare-Enrich online pre-marital inventory. To read a summary of the Diocese of Cleveland Marriage Policy, please visit