How do I get to Holy Trinity?
Conveniently located at the corner of Detroit & Lear Nagel Roads in Avon, Ohio. If using a GPS, please use 33601 Detroit Road, Avon, OH.
Where should I park?
Ample Parking immediately behind the Church
Where do my children go?
Our architecture is classic. Your children are more than welcome to remain with you in your pew. We are family friendly and realize that the children are the future of the Church.
I'm bringing someone who is wheelchair dependent... what accommodations are there?
We do have a wheelchair ramp on the East side of the building which is accessible from our parking lot. Guests should be brought to the front of the church. Ushers are more than happy to assist you once you enter the church.
What if I want to Register as a Parishioner?
Please call the Parish Office if you would like to join our Parish. We look forward to speaking with you.
How can I support Holy Trinity Parish?
Parishioners and guests are welcome to place your contribution in the collection basket during the Mass.
Does Holy Trinity have an online giving program?
Yes, we do and we utilize a company by the name of Faith Direct. You can sign up for online giving by clicking the link and signing up on line. Our parish code is: OH378 Faith Direct
What if you have lost your envelope?
You can simply put your contribution in a plain white envelope, mark your name on the outside and place that envelope in the collection basket. If you totally forgot to bring your donation envelope with you to Mass, you can certainly mail your contribution directly to the Parish Office.